STACY is coming, and she’s going to take the crypto world for a ride. The Liquidity Generation Event (LGE) is scheduled for 2200 UTC October 29th and will have a 690 ETH hard cap. We are giving out allocation whitelists now to top CHADS and EMTRG holders — see below for how to participate:
Too chad, can’t read — How do I whitelist?
- Be a Chad: Have Chads or CHADS/ETH LP tokens in your wallet. CHADS/ETH LP tokens in are also counted. Hold until LGE.
- Proof of Chad: Prove you own the wallet, fill out this google form —
- Stacy’s Purse: You now have access to whitelist allocation in the STACY LGE
Useful Links
CHADS Uniswap Link
How to add liquidity to the CHADS/ETH Uniswap Pool
STACY tokenomics — SUSHI meets CORE meets NFT
You can also obtain allocation in STACY by being a MTRG or EMTRG holder, see here for details.
Finally, we will be giving out whitelist allocation in competitions leading up to STACY LGE. Join our discord or telegram for updates and to track your whitelist allocation.
Detailed Explanation of Whitelisting Process for top CHADS Holders
250 ETH of STACY allocation will be available for top CHADS holders. This allocation will be given out in 100 2.5 ETH whitelists.
We originally planned to give whitelists to the top 100 CHADS holders, but realized that people would try to game the system by splitting wallets (which would also make them ineligible to mint high level chadvolution NFTs). To avoid making our chads choose between Chadvolution and STACY, we will instead award whitelists according to Chadvolution Level:
CHAD MACHINA (top 0.3% of holders): 3 whitelists
CHADES (top 0.8% of holders): 2 whitelists
THETA CHAD (top 2.2% of holders): 1 whitelist
GIGA CHAD (top 5.6% of holders): 1 whitelist
SUPER CHAD (top 14.6% of holders): 1 whitelist (if any left over)
If there are too many wallets at a particular chadvolution level relative to number of whitelists available then ties will be broken by average CHADS holdings.
The first snapshot of CHADS holdings was taken 14 hours ago. Random snapshots will continue to be taken throughout the week until STACY goes live. Final whitelists will be awarded based on your majority chadvolution level over all snapshots taken during the week. Spreadsheets will be posted daily in our Discord and Telegram for you to check your current level, average CHADS holdings, and number of whitelists allocated. CHADS held in LP tokens and staked in will also be counted.
To ensure only active chads participate in the STACY LGE, you must specifically opt-in via Google Form to be eligible for a whitelist. This means that you may qualify for STACY allocation even if you are not one of the top ~80 CHADS holders if top holders do not opt-in: